Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Pre K Picnic in the Park

We had a great turn out this afternoon for our Pre K picnic at City Park!  It was a beautiful afternoon and the children (and adults) really enjoyed themselves.  It was so much fun for the students to see each other outside of school and meet each other's parents.
Thank you for coming and if you weren't able to make it, we missed you.  I thought these pictures turned out great!  Although, I do have some pretty cute subjects!!!  :) Enjoy!

Edward and Mommy

Pearce and Edward sliding

Daddy, Mommy, Evan, and his grandmother

Mommy and Kennan Ann

Thomas and Mommy

Catherine and Mommy

Charlotte, Daddy, Mommy, and Sloan

Diya, Daddy, Mommy, and baby sister

Jack, Mommy, Daddy, and baby brother

Mommy, Carter, and Daddy

3 cute boys having fun!!
Carter, Thomas, and Evan

Margaret and Mommy

1 comment:

  1. The picnic was so much fun and it looks like you all do some neat activities during classroom center time!

